Homebuying Step by Step: Your guide to buying a home in Canada

Author: External Author | Categories: Certified Financial Planner , First Time Home Buyer Mortgage , Mortgage Agent , Mortgage Services , New to Canada Mortgage

A homebuying guide for first-time buyers and anyone house hunting again. The up-to-date information and calculations you need to help you make informed decisions and understand the homebuying process in Canada. To access the companion workbook to this guide, visit Homebuying Step by Step: Workbook and Checklists.

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Original Article Source Credits:   Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation  , https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/

Article Written By:  CMHC

Original Article Posted on:  October 27, 2020

Link to Original Article:  https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/data-and-research/publications-and-reports/homebuying-step-by-step-your-guide-to-buying-a-home-in-canada